<div class="at-above-post-arch-page addthis_tool" data-url="https://tanganyikatravels.com/destinations/san-francisco/"></div>Consider permission permanently granted to be outlandish: other towns may surprise you, but in San Francisco you will surprise yourself. Good times and social revolutions tend to start here, from manic gold rushes to blissful hippie be-ins.<!-- AddThis Advanced Settings above via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Advanced Settings below via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Advanced Settings generic via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Share Buttons above via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Share Buttons below via filter on get_the_excerpt --><div class="at-below-post-arch-page addthis_tool" data-url="https://tanganyikatravels.com/destinations/san-francisco/"></div><!-- AddThis Share Buttons generic via filter on get_the_excerpt -->